Perth Home Extensions: Tips for planning your project
Perth Home Extensions need to be planned well to achieve success. Outlined below are our top tips to consider before you embark on a Home Extension, Second Storey addition, or major home renovation.
What are your main reasons for undertaking a Perth Home Extension?
There are so many factors to consider and think about when embarking on a Perth Home Extension. To you, your reasons are probably obvious, for example:
- Do you have a growing family and need more space, more rooms and then some more!
- Do you have an old character home that still has an original sleep-out at the rear? A rear home extension with open plan living is the perfect solution for you.
- Perhaps you are after a top storey addition with a parent’s retreat?
- Maybe your top storey addition will be a kids only zone upstairs?
- The options and ideas are endless….only YOU can decide what you need.
Knowing what you want to get from your Home Extension is a great starting place when talking to a Home Extension Designer and Home Extension Builder. They will be able to help you establish the scope, and put a ball park estimate around your project before you go any further.

What is your budget?
You absolutely need to know how much money you can OR want to spend on your Home Extension before you start. There is very little point in producing a grand design only to find out that it will cost far more than you can afford. Talk to your bank, talk to your family/partner, and talk to a specialist Renovation and Addition Builder early in the planning process. Ideally, the Home Extension Designer and the Builder are communicating from the very start of the project. This ensures that there is not a disconnect between what has been designed, your budget, and what it will cost to build!

Will you be living in the home during construction?
If you have small children it may be advisable to move out while construction takes place. If you are going to live in the home, talk to your Builder about any special fencing requirements to ensure the safety of children and pets, and of course yourselves!
Who will design your Perth Home Extension?
Designing a home extension is distinctly different to designing a new home. It is almost like completing a jigsaw with half of the puzzle already in place. Look for a Designer that has experience in home extensions and renovations, and understands the unique challenges of working with existing homes. A good Designer will integrate the design so that the floorplan maintains a natural flow as you move through the home. They will also consider environmental factors such as natural light, airflow, and solar orientation, while also taking into account your requirements and lifestyle. Ensure that the Designer you select listens to you, and offers ideas without pushing pre-made designs in front of you. You are unique and your home deserves a solution as unique as you are!

Select a Builder that specialises in Perth Home Renovations and Extensions
Selecting the right Builder for your Home Extension project can be a daunting task. Check out our Top 9 Tips for choosing the right Builder for your Home Extension project.
Be Excited! A new Home Extension is an exciting time in your life?
Some people embark on a major Home Extension holding their breath and crossing their fingers. RELAX! If you have sourced a great Designer and a quality Builder, you can rest easy and enjoy what should be an exciting time in your life. Leave it to the professionals, put your trust in them, and enjoy the process, and more importantly enjoy the end result!